Nursing Service:
1947 B.S., Bir Hospital was established with 15 bedded. 2007 B.S. Teku Hospital was established.
2016 B.S.Paropakar Shree Panch Indre Rajya Laxmi Devi Prasuti Ghrah, Thapathali-239 bedded now.
2019 B.S. Poush 22 Kantichildren Hospital. 1959 UMN- Patan Hospital and nursing college.
2040 B.S. (TUTH) Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital Maharajgunuj only O.P.D.
2041 B.S. TUTH I.P.D.(indoor was establishe) 1956-2040 B.S.Total staff nurses 590.
Dr. Uma Devi and Miss Rukminicharan Shrestha were sent for staff nurse 2009 B.S.
Nursing Education :
The first school of nursing of nursing was opened in 2013 B.S. U.M.N. school of nursing was opened in 1959. 1956-1960 A.D. most enrolled student was S.L.C. fail. A condition was unmarried, widow and remains unmarried during their course. 1969 Requirement of entrance changed to S.L.C. pass.
1962 A.N.M. school was opend at Bharatpur for 18 month course.
1947 B.S., Bir Hospital was established with 15 bedded. 2007 B.S. Teku Hospital was established.
2016 B.S.Paropakar Shree Panch Indre Rajya Laxmi Devi Prasuti Ghrah, Thapathali-239 bedded now.
2019 B.S. Poush 22 Kantichildren Hospital. 1959 UMN- Patan Hospital and nursing college.
2040 B.S. (TUTH) Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital Maharajgunuj only O.P.D.
2041 B.S. TUTH I.P.D.(indoor was establishe) 1956-2040 B.S.Total staff nurses 590.
Dr. Uma Devi and Miss Rukminicharan Shrestha were sent for staff nurse 2009 B.S.
Nursing Education :
The first school of nursing of nursing was opened in 2013 B.S. U.M.N. school of nursing was opened in 1959. 1956-1960 A.D. most enrolled student was S.L.C. fail. A condition was unmarried, widow and remains unmarried during their course. 1969 Requirement of entrance changed to S.L.C. pass.
1962 A.N.M. school was opend at Bharatpur for 18 month course.
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